Dedicated to the American Saddle Horse since 1944

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Our Mission

The American Saddle Horse Breeders Futurity of Illinois’ mission is to encourage the breeding of registered American saddle horses and the holding of shows of futurity colts and to other wise encourage interest in the American saddle horse.

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A Cut Above Any Other (Arrowhead's Unlike Any Other x Quite The Catch) 2019 Champion Weanling. Owned by Joe Russell of Hickory Knoll Farm.

A Cut Above Any Other (Arrowhead's Unlike Any Other x Quite The Catch) 2019 Champion Weanling. Owned by Joe Russell of Hickory Knoll Farm.


The American Saddle Horse Breeders Futurity of Illinois was found in April of 1944 wherein the "Rules and Regulations regarding the futurity and showing of colts were adopted and are printed on the side of the entry blank."  They are now printed on the nomination form each year. The show of futurity weanlings, yearlings and two-year olds continues at the Illinois State Fair each year.

We welcome all who are interested in the future of the American Saddle Horse to become members of the Futurity of Illinois. 


Illinois State Fair Futurity Show

2018 Owens Gold Dust -    Weanling.jpg